enexse engineering excellence services aerospace automotive railway

Company Corporate

ENEXSE, acronym of ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE SERVICES, is an International Engineering Company, focused on AEROSPACE, AUTOMOTIVE and RAYLWAY markets.
Founded at the beginning of 2011 in Toulouse/France, ENEXSE finds its best Italian partner in PROTOM Group, important actor in automotive and railway fields…



Thanks to the competencies of its engineers/technicians and their experience, done as a team able to follow completely a cycle-life of the product, ENEXSE is able to operate as: Concept Entity, Design Entity, Stress Entity, Manufacturing Entity, Technical Document Creation & Management Entity, Verification & Validation Entity, In Service Support Entity..



ENEXSE promotes also continuous R&D activities to develop new technologies and increase its capabilities. Our high skilled engineers are involved in concept phases at ATR – product improvement & have developed a specific fuselage for Next Generation of Turbo Prop. They are also deeply involved in preliminary phases of new aircraft programs such as Airbus A350, A320/330 Neo/new beluga XL (or Embraer E2)…



It is our policy to valorize the human aspect of our collaborators so that each of them always feels at ease in our team!
ENEXSE is always looking for new resources operating with passion dynamism and professionalism.
The objective is to enrich our team of men and women who are able to share their knowledge in order to achieve the result of “EXCELLENCE“…